Friday, July 16, 2010

of cosmic birth

I am of cosmic birth and I know it. The former is true of us all; the latter, it seems, of relatively few.

Some seem to know themselves as encapsulated entities in a social network. Some live as meat bound by skin. Some seem to never think about it.

We are of cosmic birth. The cosmos peers through "our" eyes. (We own nothing, though we say "our" and "my" and "mine.")

We seem yet to have accepted that we are of planetary birth. So awareness of cosmic birth and cosmic citizenry may be too much to ask.

What would your life be like if you knew, deeply and thoroughly, that you are an embodying of the cosmos, that you are the cosmos itself at play?

Monday, July 12, 2010


"Anonymous said...What does that really mean-heal our consciousness?"

Heal means to make whole. Consciousness means awareness.
To heal our consciousness means to make our awareness whole.

Our awareness is not whole when we are attached.

Attached to a thought and its emotion.
Attached to a person or a thing.

Attached to our salvation and prosperity.
Attached to our degradation and our ruin.

Attached to a path of holiness.
Attached to an image of self and of the world.

And so on.

Thoughts, emotions, persons, things, salvation, prosperity, degradation, ruin, holiness, self, the world all arise and disappear all the time in this eternal now. To be attached is to preserve the scabs of your self-inflicted wounds in your scab scrapbook.

With attachment, our awareness is not whole.
We look over there while the action is here.

We create a head on top of our head.

Consciousness Healing 101:
Be aware of attachments.
Detach from attachments.
Detach from detachment.

Friday, July 9, 2010

rolling and spraying

We may not ever really understand what others are saying. Rather, we immediately and without thought relate it to ourselves, our world, and respond from our own movie house in which we screen their verbiage.

We may respond as a hedgehog or a skunk, either rolling tightly into our own being, protecting ourselves against any unwanted meaning, or spray the other's emissions with our protective scent, thereby obliterating forever any deeper understanding, any finer comprehension.

To hijack one of Harold Bloom's terms, we "self-overhear."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the healing of consciousness

When I say the healing of consciousness, I mean both the making whole, the healing of our consciousness, and the healing powers of our consciousness itself. The two interwhirl, each affecting the other.

The greater the healing of our consciousness, the greater is the healing by our consciousness -- the healing, the making whole of all around us.

Our presence stimulates healing, resonates with and strengthens the healing process that lies fallow, that struggles within all life forms around us. The effects are felt and seen.

As we heal our consciousness, we immediately and automatically begin healing the consciousness of all. "Heal thy neighbor as thyself."

Friday, July 2, 2010

the transformation body

Though we remain who we are at our core, to exercise the transformation body we interweave, interwhilrl with our surrounds. We grieve with the grieving and laugh with the joyous. As the Christian Paul put it, we become "all things with all men."

The transformation body is one of empathy, moving with the feelings and the lifeforce of another, not of sympathy (feeling sorrow or pity).

Rather than confronting the world with one's rigid pre-determined shape (usually produced by longstanding habits of fear and anger) and demanding the world conform to oneself (which it never does or only gives the illusion of doing so), one maintains one's center of being and moves fluidly with what is.

The enjoyment body provides a strong base for the transformation body. Each strengthens the other as they unfold.

the enjoyment body

To exercise the enjoyment body, the happiness in being the particular manifestation you are, it is best to settle down closer to the wellspring that continuously births you, that gives rise to you. Otherwise you stay in the fluff and paraphernalia of the surface world in which there is little or no happiness, only momentary thrills.

Each of us has our way of exercising the enjoyment body: stillness, silent openness of prayer (non-petitionary), meditation while walking or sitting or running or biking or martial arts or dancing or other forms of mindful moving, expression of compassion toward others (human and non-human), service, and more.

The enjoyment body is not sensual enjoyment. That comes with the physical body. The enjoyment body is larger than the physical body. Like all the bodies, the enjoyment body is strengthened by exercise and becomes ones "normal" mode of being.

Walking through the day in and as the enjoyment body and facing and dealing with whatever arises becomes one's way of life.


We have (are) at least six bodies.

The physical body (the meat and potatoes of sensual existence).

The emotional body (whoa, whoa, whoa, feelings!)

The cognitive body (the little engine that could).

The enjoyment body (happy being the particular manifestation I am).

The transformation body (shape-shifting capacity).

The cosmic body (360 degree awareness in all directions without end and without thought).

Our practice is to exercise each body.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

car talk

"Afterlife" say some.

"No afterlife" say others.

"This life" I say.

Always here now.

What are you doing
looking over there for a ride
when you are the vehicle?