Thursday, April 15, 2010

just can't stop writing

Hmmm... Notes To Myself, the blog that this one superseded, continues to get hits from around the world. Maybe I should have just one big fat blog, rather than the nine I have. But I like having my thoughts sorted out into different categories.


  1. I suppose it's whatever works for you, George. I have four blogs and Facebook and frequently wonder if I shouldn't consolidate because some of my blogs begin to "lag" for periods of time. However, the big difference is that you are freakishly prolific. It's like every day is a burst of intriguing new ideas and different slants on spiritual and worldly matters.

    All I'm saying is that I understand the occasional urge for the "one big fat blog," but if anyone can maintain nine different ones, that person is you. (And I enjoy them all!)

  2. I think I stick to one blog because there's enough confusion in my head without having several blogs. So I guess you are more integrated than me?

  3. Thank you for your heart warming responses, Gentlemen. I am reminded that we each have our way of expressing and we are each to honor that.

    Thank you for the encouragement, Patrick.

    Freakishly prolific? I like the way you combine words, Greg. My heart laughs.

    Bob, always so good to hear from you. More integrated than you? I think not. Perhaps I have greater attention deficit disorder or my multiple personalities are showing through again.

    In any event, it is good to be an open conduit for the realities often known as esoteric in today's exotericity.
