Thursday, May 17, 2012

the boundless sea

Here is a boundless sea. We are that sea and do not know it. A toothpick floats on the surface of this sea with no shore. We cling to it with all our might for fear of drowning. Ha ha ha! We are so funny. We are this sea and do not know it.


  1. There is a reason we don't know it. God and the Godhead are differentiated. Humans identify as God but not the Godhead: "We are the sea but do not know it." We are too often human doings and not often enough human beings. Thanks for reminding us, as in the past have the Persians and Meister Eckert. --Steve F.

  2. Steve,

    Nous grasps--even creating 'handholds' where none exist. I wonder if this is the case with the God/Godhead differentiation.

