Tuesday, March 6, 2012

negating the negations

Becoming or being "friends" with all humanity, with the entire world, with the cosmos, with the universe is not about forming (FORM-ing) relationships or stepping outside of oneself, outside of one's small defined circle and looking to create some dynamic synthesis, is not an emergence, but is a submersion into the Ground of being, a step back, a negation of all the negations one has made and makes. The negations are not abolished, nor transcended, but are released through this stepping back into a richer deeper realm. The differentiation of self and other (via these negations) continues to exist but recedes in its significance due to this step back, this dwelling in the common Ground.


  1. positing the positives

    linguistic math

    seems to add up

  2. This hits the sweet spot for me George. Again you have crafted in words that which cannot be spoken. Love to you and to all our intranaut traveling companions.
