Thursday, November 18, 2010

entertaining angels

When our eyes began stopping at objects rather than seeing through the superficial and allowing "objects" to disclose themselves to us, we lost our vision, while the universe remains enchanting. We entertain angels, unaware.


  1. Note: Please do not go negative on this. My intent is to focus on the recovering of our vision and the rich enchantment of this universe, this cosmos in which " we live and move and have our being."

  2. I love this! You explained what I was trying to say in an earlier post (to one of your Walking Flagstaff posts). The connection filled me with joy. Thanks!

  3. Well, George, I entertained an angel unaware today--via email. I am promised that at 9:08 tomorrow morning I will get an answer I have been waiting for. I know your message is deep and challenges me to wake up and see the true enchantment of being. However, the sychronicity was to obvious to pass up. Here's to the joy of laughter! Eve

  4. I remain enchanted by the universe especially when I stay up all night to watch the stars or take a 3:00 am walk to look up at a meteor shower like this morning, the Leonids. Saw only a few meteors but maybe several angels entertained me for a change. It's always inspiring for me and a very spiritual and peaceful experience.
    The universe is up, down, and all around us. Keep looking around to be surprised what you find. Susan
