A secular mind shuts out all thought of energetic beings not visible to the secular thought system, a continuing self-hypnosis of limitation. What is declared to not exist cannot be seen, felt, experienced. This deliberate self-will is the pride of humankind. As a result no angels can be seen, felt, experienced. No Jesus. No Buddha. No Imam. No Elijah. No Melchizedek. No God.
The poverty of the secular mind is beyond imagination. Yet it will defend itself ruthlessly, declaring that it both IS and SEES the only true reality. The ironic humor of it is that the secular mind is surrounded by a richness and thickness of Being, a Womb which births the mind that shuts it out, a Womb teeming with life, with energetic beings in innumerable dimensions and realms. The secular mind is a weak candle blinded by its own light which if extinguished will see what it once thought was dark.
The poverty of the secular mind is beyond imagination. Yet it will defend itself ruthlessly, declaring that it both IS and SEES the only true reality. The ironic humor of it is that the secular mind is surrounded by a richness and thickness of Being, a Womb which births the mind that shuts it out, a Womb teeming with life, with energetic beings in innumerable dimensions and realms. The secular mind is a weak candle blinded by its own light which if extinguished will see what it once thought was dark.