Monday, February 20, 2012

downloading the One

In following the thought of Plotinus, four realms exist: The One gave birth to, expanded outward into Intelligence, then Soul, then Mattering. The four now co-exist simultaneously. We are Soul tending to the garden of Mattering. We are also Intelligence and the One. We are the downloading of the One and Intelligence through Soul. When we realize (make real) this, instead of ignoring it or merely giving it lip service, we come into our full powers as Soul.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

born into a larger realm

When we understand, deeply and truly understand, that internal reality and external reality are the same reality, the world transforms. When I drop my bombs over there, I am killing and maiming myself. When I poison the Grand Canyon with my uranium mining and with the building of a huge Theme Park city at its gateway, I desecrate, eliminate forever a wild unspoiled part of me. When profit is my god, I walk on the faces of the impoverished, of that portion of me that refuses to give up its open heart and stern dignity to my relentless tread. When I see that my soul and the world soul are the same soul, I tremble with fear and anticipation. For the world to change, I must change, for I and the world are the same.

Monday, February 13, 2012

psychic nimbus

I see the entire human endeavor as the successive emergence of states of consciousness: defined and qualified by their inclusiveness, by their number and quality of psychic clusters, and by their internal ability to externalize and observe.

A state of consciousness that rigidifies itself is dead on the vine.

I value states of consciousness with high categorical differentiation, the differentiation accomplished by the continuous birth of cells of gnosis (knowing) with semi-permeable membranes.

A state of consciousness with few cells of differentiation and with rigid cell walls (no permeability) is that of a true idiot. It once passed for normal but is now giving way under the current world-wide flood of information.

Don't tell me your politics or your religion. Reveal your state of consciousness.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

a few sizes too small

Have you ever loved someone who did not have the capacity to receive it? It is like the ocean in love with a thimble. We need someone worthy of our love. Worthy means enough room. How can the boundless love the bounded? It's not easy. It's like struggling to put on pants several sizes too small. This is God's continuing dilemma. He laughs, his big toe filling our body suit and says: Honey, you need to gain some room!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ordinary, planetary, and cosmic consciousness

Among humans, there is ordinary consciousness, planetary consciousness, and cosmic consciousness. We all possess (or, perhaps more accurately, are possessed by) ordinary consciousness: ordinal or linear consciousness allowing us to do the busyness of the human societal world.

Planetary consciousness opens to the understanding that Earth is an alive organism, an interflow of interconnecting life. Planetary consciousness does not just know this as one of many isolated "facts." Planetary consciousness experiences this, sees with the vision of Earth herself.

Cosmic consciousness expands beyond all bounds set by ordinary consciousness. Where ordinary consciousness sees with eyes of flesh, cosmic consciousness sees with eyes of fire (Henry Corbin's apt and accurate terminology). We are either born with cosmic awareness or it is granted to us along the way. Many seem satisfied, satiated by eyes of flesh and seem to never even consider the possibility of this state of consciousness for themselves. For more on cosmic consciousness, see Richard Bucke and see Tom Cheetham.